I often think about Socrate's death. He got his good end because he died in accordance with virtue and the laws of Athens. But there's also the suggestion that he'd peaked and would only decline and find it harder to do what he loved. I'm not sure how much credence we should give that idea, and it seems a premature complaint.
But I do find the prospect of one day being "trapped" in life against my will to be horrifying. It's easy to become too mentally or physically diminished to bring about your own death, kept in a cruel half-life by ever-improving medical care extending lifespan but not healthspan. In previous eras, the mentally and physically diminished were done in naturally soon enough, but now one can linger for decades.
Yes, death by jumping off a tower may sometimes be an option for some not confined to care homes or otherwise disabled, but like many other options for ending your life, they may not be virtuous. What if a child sees your death and is traumatized? Is it really a good bet to leave your family to find your head blown off?
I think we could find better options. I hope our society realizes that denying people a good death on their own terms is cruel and condescending.
I often think about Socrate's death. He got his good end because he died in accordance with virtue and the laws of Athens. But there's also the suggestion that he'd peaked and would only decline and find it harder to do what he loved. I'm not sure how much credence we should give that idea, and it seems a premature complaint.
But I do find the prospect of one day being "trapped" in life against my will to be horrifying. It's easy to become too mentally or physically diminished to bring about your own death, kept in a cruel half-life by ever-improving medical care extending lifespan but not healthspan. In previous eras, the mentally and physically diminished were done in naturally soon enough, but now one can linger for decades.
Yes, death by jumping off a tower may sometimes be an option for some not confined to care homes or otherwise disabled, but like many other options for ending your life, they may not be virtuous. What if a child sees your death and is traumatized? Is it really a good bet to leave your family to find your head blown off?
I think we could find better options. I hope our society realizes that denying people a good death on their own terms is cruel and condescending.
Another good read from Classical Futurist.
When in the last quarter of the game, I want to finish well.
Thank you for this.